Termites not only spread infections but also damages your property to great extent. The most reliable way to get rid of termites is to call the Pest Control West End service. However, there are a few effective tips and tricks of termite control as well. So, before you plan to hire a professional pest control service, try out the following top-listed 10 Termite Prevention tips and tricks. Follow these tips to keep your home termite-free and clean.
10 Top-Listed Termite Control Tips And Tricks
- Remove Scrap Wood From Your Home
It’s certain that you have scrap woods lying in your home. Don’t just assume that you don’t have any- go check! Builders often leave waste woods under the home that later turn into homes for termites.
- Inspect Your Doors And Windows Regularly
Make it a habit of checking the area around your doors and windows. Ineffective spacing allows rainwater to seep in and make the area moist. Note, wet woods attract termites. So, be very careful with openings.
- Keep firewood away from your house
Firewood serves as a treasure for termites. So, stack your firewoods at least 10 feet away from your house.
- Avoid Standing Water
Search for standing water in and around your place. If you notice any standing water, quickly correct the draining system. Basically, water means moisture and moisture attracts termites. Make sure your water drains are away from your living area.
- Correct Gutter Leaks And Roofs Promptly
Termite’s best friend is moisture. Therefore, repair your leaking roofs and gutters to prevent moisture. Gutter leaks can be an invitation to termites. If not corrected promptly, you need to call termite pest control for help.
- Don’t Neglect Moisture Damage
Hire professional service to fix your water damages. Furthermore, ask experts the root cause of the problem also. If your home stays moisture-free, your property stays termite free.
- Install Gravel Around Your Place
This recommendation is only for owners serious about preventing termite infestations. Keep 9-10 inches of gravel around the foundation of your place. Also, keep your lawn’s litter away from reaching your home’s base. Termites fail to survive in gravel, so this will surely help.
- Use Hard Materials For Basements
Avoid using mulch, rather go for brick chips, cocoa beans and river rocks, etc. Termites can’t survive in hard materials. Additionally, if you have mulch and are suffering from termite infestations, then it’s high time to call pest control.
- Grind Stumps
Stumps are usually dead and decayed wood. Termites are constantly in search of decayed wood to feed their family. So, if you have dead wood in your garden, throw it away as soon as possible!
- Complete Yearly Termite Prevention Service
Appoint a licensed, trained pest control expert to inspect your house for termite infestations. Basically, pest control professionals thoroughly inspect any potential moisture issues and termite damages.
Consider Hiring An Expert Pest Control Service
In case you have many termites and pests infestations at your place, follow the above-mentioned tips. If you still see a need to hire a professional through termite prevention, we can help. Pest Control Westend is famous for pest and termite control services in West End, Australia. Our pest control West End services are popularly known for effectiveness and affordable prices. Additionally, we deliver emergency pest control services. Feel free to contact us on 07 3050 0758 and we will provide you with the finest termite control services in the area.